Today I got my Texas car tags & Texas drivers' license. Really overdue according to both states' laws. Thank goodness I didn't get stopped by police for anything. That could have been a very expensive ticket or my 1st time in jail.
I spent about 3 hours waiting to get my license. The car tags were quick (no lines). So I had a lot of time to think. This is what I realized. The Dept of Motor Vehicles is an identity thief's prime place to score. I tend to carry a lot of stuff in my purse, but never my social security card, Passport, lease, car title all at the same time.....I mean just about every important piece of information I have. So needless to say...I came straight home to put all that info back in a safe place. I didn't stop to shop.
Besides thinking about my paperwork being stolen. I would have really died of boredom without Twitter/Facebook/texting.
And to top off my waiting until the last minute for things. I have to use my medical spending account money, so I have an eye appt tomorrow & will get new glasses. If only I knew where my glasses prescription was, I would be able to just go buy the glasses.
So starting next year, I'll stop procrastinating. LOL!
An evolving post for me to develop my writing and my thoughts about me and life in general.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I'm Still Here
I'm going to ramble...
There are only 5 days until Christmas, and I have so much that I still need to do.
Today I found a Facebook page that highlights my son's unit while he is deployed. He is even in a video on it. Yay!
I dropped my phone & broke the screen...Boy did I feel lost without it while it was at the repair shop.
No, really, really lost..I use my GPS on the phone all the time. I'm still learning my way around my new home city.
Must go get another pair of glasses...I have $ left on my medical spending account. Why do I wait until the last possible moment to use it?
This is short, but I need to make a list for tomorrow so that I don't forget anything. I'm going to check it twice!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Snitches get, WHAT?!
I remember when I was younger the post office always had pictures of the FBI's most wanted list. I don't see those anymore, but then again I don't really go to the Post Office much. Although I should be going more often, since my son is deployed.
Today the news reported some woman that had turned in a big criminal (I never catch the whole story.) And I immediately thought about witness protection. OK fine, I watch too much TV. But then I heard that her reward was $2,000,000.00. Umm, so the real snitch here is the news for putting her name & picture for all to see, including those that might not want that Most wanted guy to go to prison.
Then I started wishing I could recognize someone worth that much money, and anonymously turn them in. The key word being anonymous. Oh look I spelled it right 2 times. *hits spell check*
Friday, September 30, 2011
Oh So Random
The state fair started today, and since I live in TX I must go. But the tickets are pricey, considering that once I get in, I have to pay for the stuff inside. Maybe I'll get the season pass, if I go more than once it pays for itself, plus I can take someone else one time.
I left work late today...late enough to get caught up in the just sitting in traffic kind of traffic. I took an exit that has a toll...I think it can be as much as 60 cents. I need to get one of those toll cards, I think it ends up being cheaper in some way.
My son was deployed & left the states the same week I was moving. I haven't heard his voice in about 3 weeks. I kind of have to avoid the news. There have been a few reports of bombs & such.
Ohh the Prairie View & Grambling game is this weekend, but I'm going to a dinner with friends at about the same time as the game. Oh well, maybe next year.
This was rambling...But I have to run, I'm supposed to meet my cousin, and she is 1 stop light away.
I left work late today...late enough to get caught up in the just sitting in traffic kind of traffic. I took an exit that has a toll...I think it can be as much as 60 cents. I need to get one of those toll cards, I think it ends up being cheaper in some way.
My son was deployed & left the states the same week I was moving. I haven't heard his voice in about 3 weeks. I kind of have to avoid the news. There have been a few reports of bombs & such.
Ohh the Prairie View & Grambling game is this weekend, but I'm going to a dinner with friends at about the same time as the game. Oh well, maybe next year.
This was rambling...But I have to run, I'm supposed to meet my cousin, and she is 1 stop light away.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
New Normal

I'm pretty settled into my new place and routine. I think the D-O-G is too. That's what I see when I drive up & park in front of my apartment. Look closely that's him, because he likes to look out of the window to see what's going on. All the neighbors in my breezeway know him by name. I think he thinks he's a star. LOL!
I have come to the realization that there will just be some unpacked boxes. Mainly because I have 1 less room than I did in Georgia, ok it's because I have more stuff than I really need. There I said it. So now what? I still need to connect my printer & desktop computer. One day soon!
Well, my stomach says it's time for breakfast...
Life Changes,
The D-O-G
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Where in the World is Remnants?
I planned to do a "This is my last blog from Atlanta" post, but of course the last minute "To Do List" was pretty long. This year has been a year of change, some of it good & some not so good. Some of the change I had no control over it and some of the change I did. So today is my 1st post from my new location. I still have to move into my new apartment just waiting for my furniture to be delivered.
Soooo where am I?

Unfortunately, I see now that the picture isn't as clear as I thought. But I am in Texas now. I know it is a big state...I'll narrow it down for you once I have my furniture & can blog from my own place. Some of you may already know.
I came by land & air...Yeah, I had to make it difficult. But it was the only way to get the D-O-G here without giving up a 2 arms, a kidney & my bank account. Not sure that the 1,600 mile round-trip drive wasn't 2 arms & my kidney, but we are here.
I might have to do a post from his perspective, because he was not feeling the motel room with the very slick wood floors. LOL!
I know this is short & I didn't give up much info, but I need to go pick up some things from the store.
I'll be back!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday Randoms
Have we had the 1st day of summer yet? I know there have already been 100 degree days so it seems like we are deep into summer. And the days are flying by. Maybe it's just me, because I have deadlines & big changes coming in the next few weeks.
I was involved in a competition today. Well indirectly...My car was the bulls eye for the birds that had target practice. Where's the rain when I need it?
Who remembers the basketball tube socks with the stripes around the tops? I do...Because my friend just sent me some pictures of us when we were about 12. Wow those are the biggest kneecaps on the boniest legs I've ever seen. Of course the tube socks highlight those knees. Poor little skinny child (me). Where's the delete key? *Shakes fist at my childhood friend* So glad she is NOT tech savvy and that she refuses to join Facebook, Youtube, etc. I really put the AWK! in awkward at that age.
Happy Fathers Day to you dads out there!
I was involved in a competition today. Well indirectly...My car was the bulls eye for the birds that had target practice. Where's the rain when I need it?
Who remembers the basketball tube socks with the stripes around the tops? I do...Because my friend just sent me some pictures of us when we were about 12. Wow those are the biggest kneecaps on the boniest legs I've ever seen. Of course the tube socks highlight those knees. Poor little skinny child (me). Where's the delete key? *Shakes fist at my childhood friend* So glad she is NOT tech savvy and that she refuses to join Facebook, Youtube, etc. I really put the AWK! in awkward at that age.
Happy Fathers Day to you dads out there!
Monday, June 13, 2011
My Weekend Update

I was supposed to leave work early yesterday to attend a book reading, signing & tea. The book is Silver Sparrow and the author Tayari Jones. Wouldn't you know something broke & I had to bring my new director up to speed. So I didn't make it. *wipes big tears from eyes & blows nose*
However, Friday evening I did attend her reading & signing. The event was awesome! I enjoyed hearing her read. (it made the chapter seem more vivid than when I read it) The questions that other readers asked, and hearing Tayari's thoughts & writing process was soo exciting. Sheesh I'm going to miss Atlanta, because I don't see my future home city in her events past or future.
Of course the other thrilling part of the evening for me was that I finally met the very entertaining LadyLee. I might not have read Silver Sparrow or known about Tayari Jones if not for Lee stalking her & "introducing" me to her books. I was also hoping to meet the great Dr./writer/cookie baker extraordinaire. So my Friday evening was wonderful, and a little bittersweet, because Atlanta is a unique city, and it's been my home for almost 20 years now. And I have to move by the end of the summer. Oh & look at the page that was signed for me!
Every Day Life,
Saturday, May 28, 2011
We Are!
I have another commercial that makes me crack up every time I see it.
And since I finally have a phone that brings me into the current century it is even funnier to me.
I'm not advertising but it makes me laugh & my service isn't with them any way.
And since I finally have a phone that brings me into the current century it is even funnier to me.
I'm not advertising but it makes me laugh & my service isn't with them any way.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Meet Me On Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. What is your favorite bagel flavor?
2. If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on?
3. What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing?
4. Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?
5. Are you allergic to anything?
1. What is your favorite bagel flavor?
Cinnamon raisin
2. If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on?
Some sandals & summer shirts
3. What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing?
I swapped a monitor at work from another co-workers desk. (I admitted doing it, after I did it.)
4. Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?
It depends, soft serve on an old fashion cone or hand dipped on a waffle cone
5. Are you allergic to anything?
As far as I know only Mushrooms I break out in hives when I eat too many.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday Randomness
Today was hot in Atlanta. If it is getting this hot in May, I am afraid of July & August.
I just discovered that I do NOT like Arugula, and I have a lot of it left...sheesh I'm wasting salad greens.
My dog is almost 7, so why does he bark & run and run & bark at the vacuum cleaner when I use it?
Tomorrow, I will find out when I will be transferred to another state. I need prayer on that decision.
I'm still not totally thinking about my Mom in the past tense. I pick up my phone to call her & then remember I can't.
My dog is calm now, and I need to vacuum my room...I guess he's about to start running.
I just discovered that I do NOT like Arugula, and I have a lot of it left...sheesh I'm wasting salad greens.
My dog is almost 7, so why does he bark & run and run & bark at the vacuum cleaner when I use it?
Tomorrow, I will find out when I will be transferred to another state. I need prayer on that decision.
I'm still not totally thinking about my Mom in the past tense. I pick up my phone to call her & then remember I can't.
My dog is calm now, and I need to vacuum my room...I guess he's about to start running.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Meet Me On Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
I've been away from blogging for a few weeks, but I think this is the best way to start back.
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
2. What is your favorite color Rose?
3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
4. What is your favorite season?
5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Smooth creamy peanut butter I can't stand crunch in it. So now all this talk of peanut butter, guess what is for dinner..Peanut butter & jelly, I would grill my sandwich, but I'm being lazy.
2. What is your favorite color Rose?
I like pink roses.
3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
I should but no I don't.
4. What is your favorite season?
I'm going to say summer if it isn't over 90 degrees. But I love warm weather for cookouts & festivals.
5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
Not much, but reading blogs maybe an hour or so.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
3. How many siblings do you have?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
Earrings whatever I happen to be wearing, I leave in my ears. And a ring that my grandmother gave me when I was about 12 or 13.
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Usually I twirl it, but if I'm wearing light clothing & am extra hungry I will probably cut it.
3. How many siblings do you have?
None which really worked out as a kid.
4. Were you named after anyone?
No one that I know of.
5. Coke or Pepsi?
I live in Atlanta it would be blasphemous to drink anything other than Coke.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
What are we to do?!
A few weeks ago there was an issue on my street. It caused kids to miss school buses, people to miss appointments & dogs not to get walked. What could make a whole street miss events & routine activities you ask? OK it was just 1 high school student, her mom, and me & my dog. I think everyone else was already at work or inside.
We live in a cul-de-sac and there was a raccoon in the middle of the street. My neighbor's daughter wouldn't walk to her bus stop. My neighbor had just returned from driving her daughter to school when the D-O-G & I came out to take our walk. Fortunately, I was warned before the D-O-G saw the critter.
Neighbor, "There is a live raccoon in the middle of the street over there." As if on cue the raccoon gets up & turns around and lays back down.
Me, "We have raccoons, in addition to the squirrels & other critters that run around here?"
Neighbor, "I've called Animal Control and the Police and neither one can help."
A police car turns on to our street and parks. We look, but no one gets out.
"So is he going to sit there all day?" says my neighbor.
"I hope he's waiting for Animal Control." I say.
Neighbor, "Well, I better go eat breakfast."
Over an hour I came out & went back in the house multiple times. Finally, I see another police car pull up & then a white truck with a logo...Wait, Wait it's animal control. **Cheer leader jumps & cartwheels**
Four police men are standing outside their cars now. The man with the noose slips it over the raccoon's head and picks it up & puts it in the truck.
I'd never seen any raccoons and haven't seen any since that day. I hope that the D-O-G doesn't encounter one...He had his shots, but I don't think that would protect him if he gets bit by a rabid animal.
We live in a cul-de-sac and there was a raccoon in the middle of the street. My neighbor's daughter wouldn't walk to her bus stop. My neighbor had just returned from driving her daughter to school when the D-O-G & I came out to take our walk. Fortunately, I was warned before the D-O-G saw the critter.
Neighbor, "There is a live raccoon in the middle of the street over there." As if on cue the raccoon gets up & turns around and lays back down.
Me, "We have raccoons, in addition to the squirrels & other critters that run around here?"
Neighbor, "I've called Animal Control and the Police and neither one can help."
A police car turns on to our street and parks. We look, but no one gets out.
"So is he going to sit there all day?" says my neighbor.
"I hope he's waiting for Animal Control." I say.
Neighbor, "Well, I better go eat breakfast."
Over an hour I came out & went back in the house multiple times. Finally, I see another police car pull up & then a white truck with a logo...Wait, Wait it's animal control. **Cheer leader jumps & cartwheels**
Four police men are standing outside their cars now. The man with the noose slips it over the raccoon's head and picks it up & puts it in the truck.
I'd never seen any raccoons and haven't seen any since that day. I hope that the D-O-G doesn't encounter one...He had his shots, but I don't think that would protect him if he gets bit by a rabid animal.
Amazing news,
Every Day Life,
Just About Me
Friday, February 11, 2011
Reality TV
I dreamed that I was watching Jacques Cousteau on TV with my dad. So when I woke up I was thinking about how different "Reality TV was in the 70's to how it is today quite a difference. One of the other shows we used to watch was Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. My mother wasn't too crazy about the bloodiness of that show. So we'd call her in the room & tell her the lions were finished eating, but of course they weren't.
What's worse lions running down their dinner or a drunk Snooki falling all over the place getting arrested? Hmm, I guess that's a matter of opinion. One is nature and one is a hot mess. IMO LOL!
What's worse lions running down their dinner or a drunk Snooki falling all over the place getting arrested? Hmm, I guess that's a matter of opinion. One is nature and one is a hot mess. IMO LOL!
Every Day Life,
Just About Me,
Ramblings; Recipe
Monday, February 07, 2011
Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. Did you watch the Superbowl?
2. What is the last book that you read?
3. What is your favorite kind of cake?
4. Do you snore?
5. Do you play an instrument?
1. Did you watch the Superbowl?
Yes, I was also on Twitter & Facebook, and it seems I missed some of the best commercials. It was almost like being at a Superbowl party, because reading people's comments about the game/commercials/half-time was very entertaining.
2. What is the last book that you read?
I am reading "Write it Down, Make it Happen" I should be finished with it shortly.
3. What is your favorite kind of cake?
Hmm something chocolatey, but since I love icing a cake isn't complete for me without icing.
4. Do you snore?
Not regularly, but I guess when I am very sleepy I snore.
5. Do you play an instrument?
No I never learned how to play any instruments. But I was in band in high school as a member of the dance/drill team.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. What do you put on your hot dog?
2. Do you play Sudoku?
3. What is your favorite vegetable?
4. Do you color your hair?
5. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
My Answers:
1. What do you put on your hot dog?
Normally, relish and mustard, but if I'm in New York at a hot dog stand I must have the barbecue onions with mustard, Yum!
2. Do you play Sudoku?
No, I'm not very good at it.
3. What is your favorite vegetable?
Spinach I love it in salads, sauteed with onions and I guess what ever way you cook it.
4. Do you color your hair?
I haven't in awhile so my gray shows, but I am still contemplating a different color. It was a very light brown and that has grown out.
5. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
Hmm another one of those gee I have to pick one, this is hard questions...I'll say Jones New York.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Welcome Home!
This morning my dog woke me up at about 3:30am. I rolled over when I realized what time it was, just yelled at him to lay down. But he kept whining & was at the side of the bed with his paws on the edge of the bed so he could look in my face. I thought about it & realized that since he was whining & persistent I should get up & take him out.
I am glad I did, because he did have to go. He takes care of business and back in the house we go. So I can get that last hour of sleep before work. He was still whining a little, but he laid down and I dozed off until the alarm went off.
Out we went again his normal time, but really it's only been an hour. He takes care of business again.
Now I am into my normal morning frenzy, and he was acting a little unusual. As I am getting my lunch together I look at him and see that he still looks sick because he starts as if he is about to throw up. I run to the door leash in hand, "D-O-G come on!" Too late! (he used to run to the door in our other house.) OK so now I go to the kitchen to get paper towels. When I come back to the spot...I see that my conscientious dog has cleaned up his mess. Umm, yeah he licked the carpet. Note to self will shampoo the carpet this week.
I have to get to work. Oh if only someone made doggy saltines. I get all my stuff together and leave the doggy and the house for work.
Hours later I'm Back home! Oh boy my doggy is happy and he's better. The spot on the carpet appears to be the same size...I don't see any more spots. Cool! And then I turn around. Woe is me. Doggy diarrhea on the carpet. My last thought on the way to work, "I should put him in the bathroom & close the door."
But I must have really wanted to shampoo my carpet today. Oh, what a wonderful way to end a long work day. I pretty much hit the spots with the shampoo-er. I'll have to do the whole thing this on my off days.
So the lesson of the story. Stop! Do what your mind tells you to do.
At least I own a carpet shampoo cleaner. No vet bill that I can't afford. It was a nice almost 70 degree day. And I'm sure I provided entertainment for anyone that could see me on the back porch washing the back half of the D-O-G. It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
I am glad I did, because he did have to go. He takes care of business and back in the house we go. So I can get that last hour of sleep before work. He was still whining a little, but he laid down and I dozed off until the alarm went off.
Out we went again his normal time, but really it's only been an hour. He takes care of business again.
Now I am into my normal morning frenzy, and he was acting a little unusual. As I am getting my lunch together I look at him and see that he still looks sick because he starts as if he is about to throw up. I run to the door leash in hand, "D-O-G come on!" Too late! (he used to run to the door in our other house.) OK so now I go to the kitchen to get paper towels. When I come back to the spot...I see that my conscientious dog has cleaned up his mess. Umm, yeah he licked the carpet. Note to self will shampoo the carpet this week.
I have to get to work. Oh if only someone made doggy saltines. I get all my stuff together and leave the doggy and the house for work.
Hours later I'm Back home! Oh boy my doggy is happy and he's better. The spot on the carpet appears to be the same size...I don't see any more spots. Cool! And then I turn around. Woe is me. Doggy diarrhea on the carpet. My last thought on the way to work, "I should put him in the bathroom & close the door."
But I must have really wanted to shampoo my carpet today. Oh, what a wonderful way to end a long work day. I pretty much hit the spots with the shampoo-er. I'll have to do the whole thing this on my off days.
So the lesson of the story. Stop! Do what your mind tells you to do.
At least I own a carpet shampoo cleaner. No vet bill that I can't afford. It was a nice almost 70 degree day. And I'm sure I provided entertainment for anyone that could see me on the back porch washing the back half of the D-O-G. It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Just Regular Remnants
You know I have started to post something so many times this 1st month of 2011, but I didn't. I have done the Monday meet up posts, that I missed yesterday. But every time I started to post something other than that...I thought what I had to say was rather boring, so I didn't post. And you know what today it's the same thing. I don't have any profound revelations, but just a few observations & just what's on my mind. Hey, when I do have a revelation or an a-ha moment, I'll post that too.
I really have no idea where I'll be this time next year. Well I know that I will have to move because of changes being made at my job. I just don't know WHEN it will happen. I love Atlanta, but I think I am ready to leave. I moved here 18 years ago from Tex. It's going to be a few months before I know dates. I guess the hard part is sorting through the rumors & waiting for the real info.
This article about a Georgia state agency reminds me that I wouldn't have to deal with them ever again. I'm glad to know they didn't just randomly make a mistake with JUST my account. Fortunately I haven't done my taxes for 2010 yet, so they didn't deposit money in my account to yank it back without warning.
So there will be some changes in my life at some point this year...I just don't know when.
I really have no idea where I'll be this time next year. Well I know that I will have to move because of changes being made at my job. I just don't know WHEN it will happen. I love Atlanta, but I think I am ready to leave. I moved here 18 years ago from Tex. It's going to be a few months before I know dates. I guess the hard part is sorting through the rumors & waiting for the real info.
This article about a Georgia state agency reminds me that I wouldn't have to deal with them ever again. I'm glad to know they didn't just randomly make a mistake with JUST my account. Fortunately I haven't done my taxes for 2010 yet, so they didn't deposit money in my account to yank it back without warning.
So there will be some changes in my life at some point this year...I just don't know when.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
3. Marinara or meat sauce?
4. Last time you cried?
5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?
I didn't realize there were so many types of cones. I'll say in a dish or on a warm piece of pie.
2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
No, not daily and when I do read it, I read the online version.
3. Marinara or meat sauce?
I love the meat sauce.
4. Last time you cried?
I really don't remember. It isn't because I haven't cried in a long time, but I just don't remember. I'm sure I was watching a movie.
5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?
What had happened was...
Friday, January 14, 2011
2011 Randoms
I didn't know that snow could make the night look so bright. I must have tried to turn off my patio light about 3 times the night it snowed. Shoveling snow ice is hard work, first I had to break the ice then I could move the chunks. My whole body ached this morning & it looked like I hadn't done any shoveling.
Those trees that make it a little cooler in the summer with the shade keeps the snow in my driveway while all my neighbor's snow melts. At least today my son & his roommate came & finished breaking up the ice. We laughed that his roommate was able to practice, because he is moving back to Buffalo next month. He started remembering right away.
I am definitely tired of alll the Atlanta weather people. They were on all night & all day. No "Early Show"; no "Today Show" & no "Good Morning America", just Atlanta weather. Ha! Ha! And then I blogged about weather. Oh well I had weather overload, I had to get rid of it.
I even missed the Meet Me on Monday this week, and I didn't work my normal 10 hours. Well, next week I should be back on track.
Speaking of normal, I had my eyes dilated today. They are finally working like they should. I felt like I had tunnel vision.
Those trees that make it a little cooler in the summer with the shade keeps the snow in my driveway while all my neighbor's snow melts. At least today my son & his roommate came & finished breaking up the ice. We laughed that his roommate was able to practice, because he is moving back to Buffalo next month. He started remembering right away.
I am definitely tired of alll the Atlanta weather people. They were on all night & all day. No "Early Show"; no "Today Show" & no "Good Morning America", just Atlanta weather. Ha! Ha! And then I blogged about weather. Oh well I had weather overload, I had to get rid of it.
I even missed the Meet Me on Monday this week, and I didn't work my normal 10 hours. Well, next week I should be back on track.
Speaking of normal, I had my eyes dilated today. They are finally working like they should. I felt like I had tunnel vision.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to Meet Me on Monday sponsored by Java
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so Java thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other! Every Sunday she posts five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
1. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
2. What food item are you craving right now?
3. When is your birthday?
4. What were you doing an hour ago?
5. Last thing you cooked?
My Answers:
1. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
No, I've learned that I don't keep them. But I am trying to be more organized. Although...I've tried to do that all last year.
2. What food item are you craving right now?
Desert! Cake or cookies, chocolate.
3. When is your birthday?
Early December...Yes, I expect a separate Christmas gift! Well, I can hope can't I?
4. What were you doing an hour ago?
Eating the last thing I cooked, see below. LOL!
5. Last thing you cooked?
Meatloaf made with ground turkey
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