I'm pretty settled into my new place and routine. I think the D-O-G is too. That's what I see when I drive up & park in front of my apartment. Look closely that's him, because he likes to look out of the window to see what's going on. All the neighbors in my breezeway know him by name. I think he thinks he's a star. LOL!
I have come to the realization that there will just be some unpacked boxes. Mainly because I have 1 less room than I did in Georgia, ok it's because I have more stuff than I really need. There I said it. So now what? I still need to connect my printer & desktop computer. One day soon!
Well, my stomach says it's time for breakfast...
Hopefully, it's stuff you can donate or sell. It's okay as long as it doesn't encroaches on the D-O-G's territory.
It's like he's giving you the evil eye. Do you get his fur groomed? Looks like he has longer fur and while GA was hot TX must make him cry on the inside.
I'll start bugging you weekly until you hook up the printer & computer. You're welcome!
Yes, I'm looking at books & clothes to get rid of...Clothes I may donate somewhere & the books well not sure if I want to list them on Amazon.
I thought that was his "Finally you are home!" look. I do have to find a groomer here.
Nooo! I don't feel like unpacking the printer or desktop computer.
I don't know he looks kind of sinister. Need to see his mouth to get a better idea. LOL.
So are hooking up the computer this weekend? :oD
My weekend from work is Tues & Wed...So Sat & Sun I'll be at the office. **Skips out of the room** LOL
AWWW !! He looks cute!! I like that pic.
@CowgirlCre Thanks! Seeing his face in the window makes me smile every day.
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