Saturday, May 19, 2007

I feel better now...Well a little better anyway

I am having one of those days. It started off wrong when I got to work and realized that the scheduling people had me down for the wrong time. I know it's them & not me because I have an e-mail detailing what it should be. However, it is the weekend, so they weren't available...I know human error, but I had already spent so much time trying to get this straight, and it still isn't.

And then as the day went by of course other little things were magnified just that much when I realized that the gas light was on in this car that I am driving I was ANNOYED. I am using a friend's car because she needed to borrow my practical 4 door car for a bit. And her car seems to DRINK the gas. But as I was pulling off from the gas pump...I thought...damn! Remmy make the best of this. It's a freakin' convertible. USE IT!

So after securing my papers...the documention of the incorrect schedule. :-) I put the top down and rode with my hair blowing in the wind. Whew! it felt good.


Mad Bull said...

Ohhh, I want to try that. I am picturing myself driving in the country in Jamaica with the top down right now! Or in the U.S. Wheeee!!!!!

Freaky Deaky said...

I hope she returned your car with a full tank considering how much you fed her car. You weren't wearing something low cut and revealing while driving in the convertible were you?

Remnants of U said...

@madbull- yes, driving along a coast with an ocean air breeze would have been the only other thing that could have made it better. LOL

@Freaky - Aww no, I went for the classic super star look. With a scarf & big sunglasses. LOL oops! I guess that look wouldn't be as exciting huh?

Scratchie said...

Borrow the covertible more often or better yet trade in the practical car for a conv. and go do some touring when the school permits.

The OE said...

Lending someone the Aston Martin could jeopardize National security