I planned to do a "This is my last blog from Atlanta" post, but of course the last minute "To Do List" was pretty long. This year has been a year of change, some of it good & some not so good. Some of the change I had no control over it and some of the change I did. So today is my 1st post from my new location. I still have to move into my new apartment just waiting for my furniture to be delivered.
Soooo where am I?

Unfortunately, I see now that the picture isn't as clear as I thought. But I am in Texas now. I know it is a big state...I'll narrow it down for you once I have my furniture & can blog from my own place. Some of you may already know.
I came by land & air...Yeah, I had to make it difficult. But it was the only way to get the D-O-G here without giving up a 2 arms, a kidney & my bank account. Not sure that the 1,600 mile round-trip drive wasn't 2 arms & my kidney, but we are here.
I might have to do a post from his perspective, because he was not feeling the motel room with the very slick wood floors. LOL!
I know this is short & I didn't give up much info, but I need to go pick up some things from the store.
I'll be back!