This is my military picture. LOL! Well, it was my locker at basic training.
My son and I went to lunch today and took advantage of the free meal for veterans. I pulled out all sorts of papers looking for an old ID card for my proof of service. Soo nobody asked for it. What?! Not even when I went to get my free donut. Now I have to put everything away. I'll put it in the right place. I only hope I remember where that right place is next time I need it.
Love the pic...and the fact that the hangers are exactly 2" or two fingers apart. Dress Right Dress.
Happy Veteran's Day Remmy! Now drop and give me 50! :o)
@TravelDiva You know it! Boots shined & bed tight enough for a quarter to bounce. :-)
@Freaky Thanks...Umm, I think I only have 10 or I got 50 jumping jacks. LOL
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